Example machine learning LSF jobs

A single node, 4 GPU Keras example

The LSF batch script here, https://github.com/mit-satori/getting-started/blob/master/lsf-templates/template-Keras_wLMS-singlenode.lsf , executes an example Keras machine learning framework code. The problem demonstrates using large memory support to leverage memory across multiple GPUs.

A single node, 4 GPU Caffe example

The LSF batch script here, https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IBM/powerai/master/examples/tensorflow_large_model_support/v2/Keras_ManyModel.py , launches Caffe on a single node and with 4 GPUs allocated.

A multi-node, pytorch example

The LSF batch script here, https://github.com/mit-satori/getting-started/blob/master/lsf-templates/template-pytorch-multinode.lsf , launches pytorch on multiple nodes, each with multiple GPUs.

A multi-node, pytorch example with the horovod conda environment

The LSF batch script here, https://github.com/mit-satori/getting-started/blob/master/lsf-templates/template-pytorch-horovod-multinode.lsf , launches pytorch on multiple nodes, each with multiple GPUs and using the horovod ( https://horovod.readthedocs.io/ ) based conda environment.