
  1. The NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit provides a development environment for creating high performance GPU-accelerated applications. With the CUDA Toolkit, you can develop, optimize and deploy your applications on GPU-accelerated embedded systems, desktop workstations, enterprise data centers, cloud-based platforms and HPC supercomputers. The toolkit includes GPU-accelerated libraries, debugging and optimization tools, a C/C++ compiler and a runtime library to deploy your application. This package consists of a post-install script that downloads and installs the full cuda toolkit(compiler, libraries, with the exception of cuda drivers).

  • Install CUDA-Development Toolkit with:

  1. Troubleshooting DDL

  2. Anaconda tips:

  • Upgrade to latest packages from specific WMLCE version (1.6.0, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.7.x)

echo "powerai-release ==1.6.1" >> $CONDA_DIR/conda-meta/pinned
conda update --all
  • Upgrade previously-pinned env to latest WMLCE

conda update powerai --no-pin
conda update --all
  1. WMLE installation when running for the first time

conda install powerai

is posible to get the following error:

Elapsed: 00:00.515998

A remote server error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.

A 500-type error (e.g. 500, 501, 502, 503, etc.) indicates the server failed to
fulfill a valid request.  The problem may be spurious, and will resolve itself if you
try your request again.  If the problem persists, consider notifying the maintainer
of the remote server.

to overcome this issue please re-enter your conda command.