Satori Login
You can connect to Satori through
a web portal, or
plain ssh from a terminal or a terminal client like PuTTY (
Web Portal Login
To use the web portal
Navigate to in your favorite web browser.
Select the Globus Auth button.
When redirected to globus, authenticate via Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
When successfully logged in, you will be redirected back to Satori Portal!
you can then launch Jupyter notebook environments running on GPUs
Select “Jupyter Notebook” from the “Interactive Apps” dropdown in the top navbar. You can also select “My Interactive Sessions”.
At the prompt to launch a Jupyter notebook, select the “Anaconda 2019.10 PowerAI [Experimental]” option in the “Choose Anaconda Environment” section.
Enter (in hours) how long you would like the app to run for.
Click launch, wait for app to begin running on a compute node and finally, select “Connect to Jupyter”!
the web portal also has sub-menus for
a terminal on the front-end node (Clusters menu)
a running job monitoring window (Jobs menu). This is also has a batch job preparation form, but it is malfunction at the moment!
a file browsing and transfer client (Files menu)
SSH Login

Login to Satori cluster is done via SSHv2 as follow:
scp <>
As general rules: - should be used for submiting training jobs and related activities - should be used for transfering large files/datasets and compiling software requiring nvcc, gcc, XL compiler etc
if one login-node will not be available try the second one
don’t run large computations on the login nodes
In case you want to work with Jupyter Notebooks but cannot use the portal, you will need to forward Jupyter HTTP ports to your own workstation via SSHv2 tunneling. This can be done like this: (Note FQDN == Fully Qualified Domain Name like nodeXXXX for the node you are running on (E.g. node0014)
ssh -L 10001:<compute_node_FQDN>:10001
jupyter notebook --ip=<compute_node_FQDN> --port=10001
if you do this, remember to activate whatever conda enviroment you wish to use before starting jupyter
conda activate wmlce-1.6.2